Title: Scott and Sid (2018)
Genres: Drama
Directors: Scott Elliott, Sid Sadowskyj
Writer: Jeff Kopas, Doug Taylor
Stars: Tom Blyth, Richard Mason, David Summer
Genres: Drama
Directors: Scott Elliott, Sid Sadowskyj
Writer: Jeff Kopas, Doug Taylor
Stars: Tom Blyth, Richard Mason, David Summer
Synopsis: Story describes about two school boys Scott and Sid who are lonely and underachieving teens. When Scott gets admission in Sid’s school, he was an awkward boy who just wants get through his exams. On the other side Scott was a child, dismissed from multiple schools. Both were aimless and neither of them recieves encouragement from parents or teachers. But their friendship enables them to set a big goal as they find something in each other that motivates them. Watch more Drama Movies online without any membership.